Desolate Beauty.

Wow! South Dakota is awesome. It’s so empty of people it’s crazy. I’m loving it. I do miss coffee shops though. The towns we ride through often only have one gas station and maybe a diner or most likely a Cafe, Gas station groceries and hardware all in one.

We had a short day yesterday. Only 27 miles. We have really increased our daily mileage since we left Michigan and I think we are both feeling the strain. In the town of Claire City, we stopped for lunch and ended up staying the night. Right across from the Farmers Cafe and Convenience store was the Red Side Inn. It was an old store that had been turned into a motel. It was geared mostly towards hunters and fisherman. There was a game cleaning station with showers and laundry in a separate building. It was within our meager budget and an easy day sounded good to my tired legs. After a delicious Cheeseburger at the Farmers Cafe, Convenience and farm supply Store we headed across the street to the motel.

Our Motel for the night
Lunch at the one stop shop

Claire City has a population of 76 according to the welcome sign. We were suprised it had a motel at all. There was no office or front desk so I called the phone number posted. The young lady that answered the phone said she would be over in ten minutes to check us in. She showed up right on time and checked us in. I worked on my blog while Rose napped. It was a relaxing afternoon. For dinner we had decided to walk to the only real restaurant in town. Deano’s Steakhouse. It didnt open until 5 pm. I was hungry and I must of read the online menu 15 times while I waited until 5! It was worth the wait. We both got an 18 Oz steak, baked potato and the soup and salad bar. I felt a little self conscious on my trips to the salad bar, I was wearing my crocks and a pair of shorts. I was the only man in there that didn’t have on work boots, jeans and a ball cap. Every eye in the place watched me fill my plate. It was funny and didn’t hurt my appetite at all! I guess with a population of 76, anyone from out of town stands out. It was a great meal and we got backed to our room just before a torrential downpour started. The little storm blew in really fast and was over with just as quick.

Main street Claire City

After a good night’s sleep we were on the road by 8 am. It was a great morning to be riding. Cool and a little misty. Some of the fields had been tilled recently. With the smell of hay and freshly turned soil combined with the calls from the killdeer and redwing blackbirds that were startled by our passing, it was easy to think it was late spring and not early fall. But the fields of soybeans turning yellow, the dry rustle of cornstalks and the sharp, tangy smell of silage were all reminders that it was September and not May.

We crossed into North Dakota for a little while. When we came back into South Dakota there were welcome signs! We took several pictures.

Today was pretty tough. Only 49 miles but a pretty strong head wind. Also a lot of hilly gravel roads. We talked about trying to hitch a ride to a paved road but with only one or two vehicles per hour we felt our chances of getting a ride were pretty slim. Haha.

Break time under the only tree in sight

Here are a few more pics of Beautiful South Dakota.

Morning mist.
Beautiful alfalfa crop

5 thoughts on “Desolate Beauty.

  1. And did you notice the pallet sign leaning on the cafe? “Stop here- food- beer ….oil ,bolts and plumbing” lol

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